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The Yubico YubiKey 5C is a compact and secure USB-C 2-factor security key in sleek black. It provides strong authentication and protects against phishing and account takeovers. With its durable design and easy-to-use functionality, this key is compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms. Keep your online accounts safe and secure with the Yubico YubiKey 5C.
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  • - The YubiKey 5C provides strong encryption and user-friendly functionality, offering reliable protection against cyber threats.
  • - It uses FIDO2 and U2F protocols for secure two-factor authentication, preventing password phishing and other attacks.
  • - The setup process is simple and straightforward, requiring just a button press on the YubiKey to securely log in.
  • - The YubiKey 5C is compatible with a wide range of platforms and services, allowing for seamless integration into existing accounts.
  • - It is physically robust, being small, durable, and water-resistant, ensuring reliable performance even in adverse conditions.
  • - The YubiKey 5C offers long-term cost-effectiveness as a one-time purchase without recurring costs or subscriptions.
  • - It provides a strong authentication method that can make an account immune to phishing attacks.
  • - Some users have reported difficulty in getting the YubiKey 5C to work properly with the USB-C port on their MacBook, requiring excessive force to make it function.
  • - While the YubiKey 5C offers protection against phishing attacks, it may still be vulnerable to attacks that bypass two-factor authentication altogether, such as the Pass The Cookie attack.
  • - The USB connector caps shown in the product photograph are not included with the YubiKey, requiring an additional purchase from another company.
  • - Some potential uses of the YubiKey 5C may be complex, although basic setup is manageable as long as the provided directions are followed.
The Yubico YubiKey 5 Nano is a compact and powerful two-factor authentication security key. With its USB-A connectivity, it offers seamless compatibility with a wide range of devices. This black key provides an extra layer of security for your online accounts, protecting them from unauthorized access. Its small size makes it convenient to carry around, ensuring you can easily authenticate your identity wherever you go. Safeguard your digital life with this reliable and user-friendly security key.
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  • - Convenient and time-saving for those on the move
  • - Compact and well-designed, with clear setup instructions
  • - Works well and does not easily come loose or get lost
  • - Smaller than a mini USB zip drive
  • - Can be inserted into USB port backwards and easily turned around if needed
  • - Provides added security and ease of managing passwords
  • - Excellent security measure for accounts with enabled features
  • - May require some technical knowledge for setup and full utilization
  • - No small lanyard included for easier removal from the port
  • - Not cheap in terms of price
  • - Accidental touch may generate a stream of characters
The Yubico Security Key NFC USB-A is a powerful two-factor authentication security key in a sleek blue design. It provides an extra layer of security for your online accounts, protecting them from unauthorized access. With NFC technology, it offers convenient and secure authentication with a simple tap. This USB-A key is compatible with a wide range of devices, ensuring seamless integration into your digital life. Safeguard your sensitive information and enjoy peace of mind with this reliable and user-friendly security key.
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  • - Works great and easy to use for AWS root user to pass AWS FTR.
  • - Excellent product.
  • - Recommended for saving Gmail and Facebook accounts.
  • - Works well and has a 4-star rating.
  • - NFC and USB options available for adding keys.
  • - Provides an alternative method of verification for other websites.
  • - Can be used with Google TV for advanced protection.
  • - Can be used by Windows users without a Mac.
  • - Can be used with lightning to USB converters.
  • - Works perfectly with USB connection.
  • - Provides added security for accounts.
  • - Bad UX on the Mac app.
  • - Unclear instructions on how to use the Mac app.
  • - Compatibility issues with Google login on Android and Linux Mint.
  • - Unable to use NFC or USB for verification on Google login.
  • - Requires a Windows device for advanced security settings on Google.
  • - Difficulties in using NFC on some phones.
  • - Hassle of needing 2FA for everything.
The Yubico YubiKey 5C Nano is a compact and secure two-factor authentication security key. With its USB-C connectivity, it offers fast and reliable authentication for your devices. This key provides an extra layer of security by requiring physical presence for login, protecting your online accounts from unauthorized access. Its small size makes it convenient to carry around, ensuring you have secure access to your accounts wherever you go.
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  • - The nano version of the key allows for up to 2 setups for authentication.
  • - Works well with Okta and is used on a daily basis.
  • - Compatible with Mac and has no issues so far.
  • - Provides strong security for work and other activities on desktop or laptop.
  • - Supports multiple platforms and services such as Microsoft 365, AWS, Google Workspace, and Twitter.
  • - Compact size makes it convenient to stay plugged into a laptop.
  • - Fits perfectly in USB C ports of Macbook Air, leaving space for another USB C cable.
  • - Provides hardware-based crypto for SSH logins and gpg, including git commits.
  • - Works seamlessly on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, and ChromeOS.
  • - The key is very sensitive to touch, which can lead to accidental input in text fields.
  • - Does not support Safari on Mac, only Chrome and Edge.
  • - Inserting a USB cable into the phone for charging can be challenging if there is a case on the phone.
  • - Requires manual configuration and research to properly set up for certain use cases.
  • - The documentation for configuration is scattered and may require some effort to find.
  • - Losing or breaking the key can result in being locked out of all accounts, so it is recommended to have a backup key.
  • - Once plugged in, it can be difficult to remove from the USB C port.
The Yubico YubiKey 5 NFC is a USB-A security key that offers two-factor authentication for enhanced security. With NFC capability, it allows for easy and secure authentication on compatible devices. This key provides strong protection against phishing and account takeovers, making it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses. Its compact design and durable construction ensure convenience and longevity. Safeguard your online accounts with this reliable and versatile security key.
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  • - Works fine with the intended applications.
  • - Best security product.
  • - Great product for connecting to customer environment.
  • - Easy to use.
  • - Quick delivery.
  • - Excellent security key.
  • - Must-have for tech-savvy individuals.
  • - Can be used as a physical key for database decryption.
  • - Provides enhanced security for digital accounts.
  • - Impregnable by hackers.
  • - Essential for individuals with an internet-based presence.
  • - Robust and qualitative construction.
  • - Easy to configure through PC and Mac.
  • - User-friendly app for authentication.
  • - Supports multiple platforms.
  • - Versatile and can be used with various platforms.
  • - Provides physical storage for passwords and algorithms.
  • - Offers peace of mind and tranquility.
  • - Compatible with popular websites like Google.
  • - Can be used as a second factor of authentication.
  • - Supports NFC for smartphone usage.
  • - Provides multifaceted protection.
  • - Empowering and elevates security to a new level.
  • - Not all sites support U2F/FIDO2.
  • - Price may be inflated compared to bulk purchases.
  • - Double the price compared to the US market.
  • - Expensive, making it difficult to purchase multiple keys.
  • - Limited compatibility with Windows 10 features.
  • - Not compatible with Windows Hello, smart card login, or BitLocker encryption.
  • - Not recommended for individuals who only want to safeguard their Google account.
  • - Not usable with iOS devices.
  • - Fragile construction, prone to breaking if accidentally pressed.
  • - Limited use for individuals without specific security needs.
  • - Requires purchasing multiple keys for adequate security.
  • - Limited support for iOS as an operating system.
  • - Limited use as a smart card.
  • - Limited native compatibility with Windows.
  • - Not advisable to purchase a single unit.
  • - Limited use for individuals without sensitive information.
  • - Limited use for individuals without a need for enhanced password security.
  • - Limited use for individuals without a need for physical access security.
  • - Limited use for individuals without a need for NFC functionality.
  • - Limited use for individuals without a need for multifactor authentication.
  • - Limited use for individuals without a need for backup security.
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