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PhotoFast TubeDrive (128GB)

The PhotoFast TubeDrive (128GB) is a compact and portable storage solution that allows you to easily transfer and store your files. With its generous 128GB capacity, you can store a large amount of photos, videos, and documents. The TubeDrive is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, making it versatile and convenient. Its sleek design and fast transfer speeds make it a must-have for anyone in need of extra storage on the go.
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  • 1. "As advertised works well!" - One review states that the product works well and meets the advertised claims.
  • 2. "写真一括バックアップは1キーで保存でき、個別写真も選択コピーでき、ほか連絡先やカレンダーも仕様通りにバックアップできます。" - Another review mentions that the product allows for easy and efficient backup of photos, contacts, and calendars.
  • 3. "YouTube視聴中にキャシュ釦押下で簡単に高速保存され電波環境なしでの閲覧ができるので高く評価します。" - A review highlights the ability to easily and quickly save YouTube videos for offline viewing without the need for an internet connection.
  • 1. "説明書が日本語だとわかりやすいのに🤣" - One review mentions that it would be helpful if the product's instructions were provided in Japanese for better understanding.
  • 2. "読み込みに時間がかかったり不安定" - A review states that the product has slow loading times and is unstable.
  • 3. "新型iPhone SEのために買ったのですが、認識が不安定だったので失敗だった!と思った時にiPadに使ってみたら安定して取り込みました。それをiPhone SEに保存しました。確かにこの商品が出たのがかなり前で新型iPhone SEに対応していなかったみたいでした。アプリからメーカーにメールしたが未だ改善はされていません。" - A review mentions that the product's compatibility with the new iPhone SE is unstable and that the manufacturer has not addressed the issue despite contacting them.
  • 4. "jpeg変換しての転送はできません。よってwindows PCに差し込んだSDから写真を見るにはあらかじめiosで
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