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Enhance your Apple Magic Mouse experience with Fironst Magic Grips. Designed for both Apple Magic Mouse 1 and 2, these silicone cushion grips provide a comfortable and secure grip, giving you better control over your mouse movements. The black color adds a sleek touch to your device. With 2 pairs included, you can easily switch between them or share with a friend. Upgrade your mouse and enjoy improved precision and comfort with Fironst Magic Grips.
More details +
  • - The grips make the mouse feel more comfortable to use.
  • - The Magic Grips improve the functionality of the Apple Magic Mouse.
  • - The grips add comfort for users with wide hands.
  • - The product is well made and matches the curvature of the magic mouse.
  • - The grips are easy to install and come with extra tape.
  • - The product is affordable and worth the cost.
  • - The package includes both small and larger sets of grips.
  • - The grips come in black or gray, providing options for personal preference.
  • - Some users feel that the grips get in the way and make it harder to use the mouse.
  • - The grip/pads are shorter than the "railroad" track pads on the bottom of the magic mouse.
  • - The durability of the double-sided tape used to attach the grips is uncertain.
  • - The price may be considered expensive for some customers.
  • - One review is not specific about the improvements made by the product.
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