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The Anonymous® Hybrid Sim Slot Adapter is a convenient solution for Redmi Note 5 Pro users who want to use two SIM cards and a micro SD card simultaneously. This pack includes two adapters, allowing you to easily switch between different SIM cards and expand your storage capacity. With its hybrid design, this adapter ensures compatibility and functionality without compromising on performance. Stay connected and expand your storage with this versatile accessory.
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  • 1. "Good" - This review indicates that the product has improved and is satisfactory.
  • 2. "Good ****" - The addition of four stars suggests that the product is of high quality and has exceeded expectations.
  • 3. "Good product done it's work properly." - This review confirms that the product is effective and has fulfilled its intended purpose.
  • 4. "Nice product" - The use of the word "nice" implies that the product is pleasant and satisfactory.
  • 5. "Both are working perfectly" - This review indicates that both components of the product are functioning well, which is a positive aspect.
  • 1. "The product was packed in an polythene sachet and was not impressive, the product was installed and it gave the desired optimum results" - Although the product eventually provided the desired results, the packaging was not impressive. This could be seen as a negative aspect, as it may affect the initial impression of the product.
  • 2. "Not worth it either 1 will work not both if it will read sim it won't read the memory card and vice versa" - This review highlights a major drawback of the product. It suggests that the product is not capable of simultaneously reading both a SIM card and a memory card, which can be inconvenient for users who require both functionalities.
The anonymous Hybrid Sim Slot Adapter is a convenient solution for Redmi Note 5 users who want to use two SIM cards and a micro SD card simultaneously. This pack includes two adapters, allowing you to easily switch between different SIM cards and expand your storage capacity. With this adapter, you can enjoy the benefits of dual SIM functionality and increased storage space without compromising on convenience.
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  • - Thanks
  • - Nice product easy to use
  • - Nice
  • - Waste of money don't buy
  • - It's very thin, if we didn't handle with care a chance that it will be broken.
  • - This product is not available in the offline store. It is only available online.
  • - 4g internet not working
  • - Very poor doesn't working on phone
  • - This item is not installed to device, it look like an duplicate.
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